Coaching Neocharismatic Leaders with an Eagle Eye

Coaching Leaders requires that a coach has a multi-focal lens. There are two concerns in the world of business that coaches have to keep in mind when coaching leaders: (1) Leaders are constantly scanning to find other leaders who can support them in dealing with (2) an organizational competitive edge at different levels.

 With the first, a coach makes sure they have the strategic level within sight as they coach. That includes Assessing the environment role and sensing people’s needs role. Neocharismatic stage one roles.

 The leader has to understand the system and work with it in mind in terms of vision, mission, and strategy. Coaches have to make considerations for long-distance vision including succession leadership planning.

with the second, a coach supports a leader’s personal competencies at different levels of leadership. That means a coach has to be able to zoom in with a leader and zoom out accordingly. These are skills at the implementation level and demand creativity and unconventionality. Some times taking personal risks. Neocharismatic leadership stage three roles.

Coaching Neocharismatic leaders is not a one at a time task, leaders are able to parallel thinking, task, and create. Their world is like 360 muti dimensional sphere where there is no such thing as one issue on the table. Coaching Neocharismatic leaders deal simultaneously with all levels in one session means you are coaching the whole system. That includes personal, interpersonal, management, and strategic leadership. In doing so, you encourage agency which leads eventually to the competitive edge that a leader is striving for.  While executive coaching deals with strategic levels and executive decision making, Coaching Neocharismatic leaders deal with leadership performance, organizational transformation, culture, and communication at all levels including the executive level.

This creates a need to balance between structure and agency in leadership through coaching. While a leader could be restricted in terms of structure and the resources available, coaching leadership creatively will balance this out. Coaching here would mean unlocking a leader’s mindset towards new and innovative ideas and solutions for implementation. In essence, a coach will support leaders’ awareness of the resources necessary to initiate and implement change (agency). They will also support them in keeping an eagle eye on the vision and performance goals (structure).

To conclude, coaching Neocharismatic leadership encourages agency, adds value, and transmits coaching skills to succession leaders. On the other hand, a coach also encourages an eagle-eye view over strategy, culture, and performance to support structure and alignment.

 Coaching Leaders requires that a coach be that eagle at all times. Neocharismatic leadership focuses on most of what this article discusses plus making sure that leaders are coming from an altruistic perspective and following an ethical frame of reference to guide their decisions.

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