سلة المشتريات
Team Diagnostic Survey $1,000.00
Paid Consultation for Coaches $300.00
NCL Group Coaching $10,000.00
Ethical Leadership Roles in Higher Education (Arabic Book) $10.00
Coach your Thoughts and Emotions $15.00
Neocharismatic Leadership Book $39.00
Emotional Intelligence Assessment EQ SEI 360 $800.00
Self-assessment of emotional intelligence EQ SEI $500.00
Short one hour webinar $50.00
Paid Consultation for Leaders $600.00
Neocharismatic Team Coaching Book كتاب توجيه فرق العمل النيوكارزمية $50.00
Mentor Coaching $3,000.00
Neocharismatic Team Coaching Program-NTCP $5,000.00
Leadership Circles 360 $1,000.00
Full day training $2,000.00
Cultural Intelligence 360 Assessment $500.00
Neocharismatic Leadership Coaching $10,000.00
Team Coaching intervention and TDS From: $0.00
Supervision sessions $0.00 – $500.00