"تمكين القادة من رحلة القيادة الأخلاقيّة النّيوكارزمية في مراحل التّحوّل ودعم فرق العمل المتعدّدة الثّقافات".
Enabling leaders to navigate the journey of ethical leadership while supporting teams across cultures. To bring value to global organizations through systemic coaching
Meet Our People
ينضم لنا بإستمرار عدد من المستشارين والموجّهين في القيادة وتوجيه فرق العمل في كل القارّات باللغتين الانجليزية والعربية يشتركون في غاية نبيلة وهي تحسين حياة القادة والمنظمات في الجوانب المتعددة الخاصة والإجتماعية ويفعّلون في ذلك أخلاقيات التعامل العربية والإسلامية الاصيلة من خلال مفاهيم الايثار والعطاء وهي مفاهيم القيادة النيوكارزمية.
We are a team of experts on leadership and personal development, sharing a common belief in the importance of leadership qualities in improving our lives on a personal as well as social level. We deploy the concepts of ethical Neocharismatic Leadership to leaders, teams and individuals to help them realize their potential and their ambitions throughout life

Executive and Team Coach, PCC, ORSCC
Ms. Muna Alyosuf
A highly versatile, intercultural training and development professional with over 20 years of experience across the world with organizations and leadership teams. Certified CCP, MBTI, Firo-B, WPB5 assessment and cultural orientation profiling practitioner, qualified co-active coaching, and value based management coach. specializes in organizational development and organizational relationship system coaching. International experience and work. Know more about Muna

Executive and Team Leadership Coach, PCC
Eng. Abdullah Aljurf
Founder and 1st President of ICF- Saudi Arabia Chapter. Nominated among 50 global leadership coaches for the “Thinkers 50 Marshall Goldsmith Coaching Award” in 2019. Founding member at the Saudi Human Capital Club (SHCC). Equipped with more than 18 years of experience in different HR and management fields. An executive coach, leadership coach, L&D mentor, trainer, workshop facilitator and keynote speaker. Know more about Abdullah here

Executive Coach
Mr. Martin Hedley
International speaker, Coach and mentor who is passionate about learning and development. A member of the Institute of Coaching- McLean Hospital, Harvard affiliate. Former leader of corporate global organizations. Founder of the Vision Achievement Academy- Bringing Skills to the Developing World. Member of "Order of the Golder Tongue" Buckley School of Public Speaking. International experience and global presence in MENA region and other parts of the worlds. Know more

Systemic and team coach MSc, GTCI, CNTC
Mr. Saleh Almessabi
ماجستير في تخصص الاستشارات والتوجيه Consulting and Coaching من كلية HEC لإدارة الأعمال في باريس. ماجستير آخر في الاستشارات والتوجيه وإدارة التغيير Consulting, Coaching for Change من كلية انسياد INSEAD من فرنسا، شهادة هارفارد في إدارة الموارد البشرية الاستراتيجية Strategic Human Resource Management. من أوائل العرب المحترفين في عالم التوجيه Coaching وهو موجه فريق معتمد من المعهد العالمي لتدريب الفرق (GTCI) فرع من WBECS مع بيتر هوكنز Peter Hawkins وديفيد كلتربك David Clutterbuckوهو بذلك ممارس معتمد لتوجيه فرق العمل. مؤهل ممارس باستخدام وسيلتي التقييم EQ-I 2.0, EQ-360 للذكاء العاطفي من MHS (Multi Health Systems). وهو مرخص في Myers-Briggs Types Indicator (MBTI).

Thank you so much for the wonderful webinar. Your work is more important now than ever. The presentation was a huge success that helped to nudge the participants forward wherever they were on the cross cultural awareness spectrum. Your high level of professionalism coupled with your easy going nature created trust and safety for attendees to go deep and see new perspectives.
Katie Drescher Coaching & Consulting- Nov 2020 - WI - USA

Ghada is incredibly discerning and has an innate ability to lean in on what needs attention. She is personable, sharp and absolutely effective!
R, Fontaine
S. Director -Telecommunication industry, USA - 2018