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Episode #30
06/04/2022 Lessons Learned From the Podcast - Episode Finale
After a long journey crafting this podcast, we leave you with a few insights in this short finale. I hope you have enjoyed it as much as we did.
Episode #29
23/03/2022 Developing People - Role #10 - Part 2
How do we do people development in small teams or in virtual platforms as small business owners? Ghadah and Martin tell their own stories and experiences having done this on their own. This is the last role Ghadah an Martin discuss where they also expand on the ideas of LMS and how a leader can get support from that community and learn with their team how learning works.
Episode #28
09/03/2022 Developing People - Role #10 - Part 1
While developing others is a very well-known concept, Ghadah and martin tackle it from a Neocharismatic Leadership angel as the leader focuses on specific ideas that support personal development. Both discuss this from an organizational perspective. Coaching, Training, LMS, and how a leader engages with their followers in the process and commits along with them. Ghadah Also focuses on senior executives and their role in the business and how important it is to invest in their retraining.
Episode #27
23/02/2022 Motivating and Inspiring Role #9- Part 2
Ghadah dives deeper into motivation through her knowledge of spiritual emotional intelligence SEQ as defined by Six seconds. As a leader, we hold the same drivers and must be aware of our SEQ. Once we achieve balance, we are also role modeling for others how they ramp up their own motivation. We inspire them to do so. This is very suited to small teams and entrepreneurial leadership.
Episode #26
09/02/2022 Motivating and Inspiring Role #9- Part 1
Although motivating is a bit different from Inspiring, they all lead to each other. When we are inspired by an idea or goal, we become motivated to accomplish that goal or implement that idea. Ghadah and Martin discuss how Neocharismatic Leaders can support performant in organizations through simple and easy research-based approaches that build on a real concern for others.
Episode #25
26/01/2022 Encouraging Collaboration - Role 8 - Part 2
Ghadah and martin continue their exploration of what it means to encourage collaboration on a small business and small teams basis for startups and entrepreneurs. They continue the discussion from the last episode on 6 Team Conditions and they highlight important applications for these startups and small business leaders. Martin adds his own experience in his coaching and LMS practice.
Episode #24
10/01/2022 Encouraging Collaboration - Role 8 - Part 1
This is where Dr. Ghadah Angawi adds a new perspective to the older model by integrating three more additional roles based on her Ph.D. research. The first is related to encouraging collaboration which is explored by her and Martin in an organizational level context. Martin and Ghadah highlight the Harvard scholarly research on high-performing teams or 6 Teams Condition. Ghadah is an advanced certified practitioner in team coaching based on Team Diagnostic Survey (TDS) as highlighted by the Harvard model. This episode explores the model conditions and their implication on teams in large organizations.
Episode #23
29/12/2021 Unconventional Behavior - part 2
Last Episode of year 2021
As we approach the end of 2021 both Ghadah and Martin admit that the last two episodes were very unconventional and in fact planned unconventionality as they call it here. In this episode, they give more examples of the relationship between context and being unconventional and what that does to the followers, including the use of drama and movies in sparking your innovation and authenticity!
Episode #22
15/12/2021 Unconventional Behavior - part 1
Ghadah puts this in context by referring to the original research on Neocharismatic Leadership and why she chose her own categories when discussing this role. She then speaks about examples of unconventionality and what it requires from a leader to get them right. She mentions the role of intuition and being present at the moment to facilitate the emergence of unconventionality. Martin adds his own understanding and experiences as he always does spice it with his challenge to the listeners at the end to continue to bring in examples to enrich the episodes.
Episode #21
1/12/2021 Taking Personal Risks - part 2
In this episode both Ghadah and Martin continue role #6 ‘Taking personal Risks’ but this time as usual from a small business and entrepreneurs’ perspective as they do in odd-numbered episodes. They talk about how entrepreneurs' lives are around personal risks and what are good ways to ensure they encounter minimal losses as they challenge and stand out in the crowd. Martin speaks of his own experience and Ghadah brings in some of her clients’.
Episode #20
17/11/2021 Taking Personal Risks - part 1
Entering stage 3 of ‘Devising means to Achieve the Vision’ both Ghadah and Martin discuss role# 6 of Taking personal risks in an organizational context: what does it mean? how much risk can a leader take? And why personal risks?
Ghadah stresses the fact that from day one or the organizational transformation, the leader has been taking personal risks by putting themselves out there for others to criticize them and scrutinize their decisions or transformational effort. She argues personal risks come with the job. If you don’t you are asserting the status quo and preventing yourself from harm by hiding under the shadow of "business as usual".
Episode #19
3/11/2021 Articulating the Vision- part 2
Odd numbers in our episodes always discuss small business or entrepreneur’s leadership. Yes, even if you have no team you are still leading through your presence on social media and have followers whom you influence. In this episode, Martin reflects on his own leadership while Ghadah attempt to facilitate understanding articulation in its six forms as described in the previous episode. The issue of social media and live chat or speaking live is tackled in detail as well as other details like the message structure and context or background.
Episode #18
17/10/2021 Articulating the Vision- part 1
Welcome back to the second season where we continue to explore Neocharismatic Leadership roles that transform the organization. In this episode, we will discuss role #5 ‘Articulating the Vision’. Here are some key ideas to consider while you are listening.
1- How articulation has been part of previous roles.
2- Articulation is part of the communication strategy in any organization and should be thought of carefully and planned with a leader’s involvement
3- Neocharismatic Leaders always have the vision to articulate, and it gets defined as more formulations with others taking place.
4- Articulation has few forms: (1) Spoken and verbal, (2) Written, (3) Gestures and ques, (4) Physical spaces and artifacts, (5) Communicatee involvement, and (6) Personal leadership actions.
and https://youtu.be/9fOKlcwodcA
Episode #17
4/21/2021 Formulating a Shared Vision- part 2
As all leaders know, an organizational vision does wonder in motivating people when it represents their aspirations and highest values. To achieve that, a Neocharismatic Leader makes sure that everyone in the organization feels connected to it in a way or another.
This episode explores how to do this in startup groups and small organizations, through strategic leadership.
This is the last episode in season 1, see you in Oct 2021!
Episode #16
4/7/2021 Formulating a Shared Vision - part-1
As all leaders know, an organizational vision does wonders in motivating people when it represents their aspirations and highest values. To achieve that, a Neocharismatic Leader makes sure that everyone in the organization feels connected to it in a way or another. This episode explores how to do that in large organizations and through strategic leadership.
- Setup for "Formulating a Shared Vision" and how this is a common role leaders play'
- The disruption of the previous role is healed through this role
- Affecting change through the strength of formulating a shared vision
- Ghadah brings two examples of how this role is played
- Martin gives a practical example of building a shared vision
- Ghadah and Martin talk about the cycle of formulate a shared vision
- Another example from Martin on taking a team through the role of 'Challenging the Status Quo' and making it possible through the role of 'Formulating a Shared Vision'
- Ghadah connects the dots using an infographic of the model that you can downlead from the website
- How do you tackle barriers
- Cementing the vision takes time
- Departmental vision, does it work?
- Balance is important in the process
- The process is cyclic and ongoing
Episode #15
3/25/2021 A Neocharismatic Leader Journey
We are so delighted we got this chance to bring a Neocharismatic Leader on board from Africa. The world needs people like her and certainly, young leaders who strive for a noble goal. At the core of Neocharismatic leadership is the notion of altruism. Farida demonstrates that in its clearest sense. I hope this will bring light to your world at a time when we all need inspiration.
- Get to know Farida Aliwa
- Farida serves a very special community
- How Farida became a leader?
- Martin digs further: who stood behind you?
- Farida definition of leadership
- Is there a time where you actually challenge somebody and it turns out to be the wrong time?
- How would you define your best approach to motivating people encouraging them?
- How do you approach ethical decisions? Farida gives a real life experience
- How did the people that work for your in your teams reacted to your ethical management of the situation??
- What would be a great advice to give to young leaders
- The conclusion of the episode
Episode #14
3/10/2021 Part two in role #3
We are still discussing 'challenging to the Status Quo' Role #3 in the ‘the Search for Opportunity’ stage.
This time we are going to tackle the role from a entrepreneur and social leadership perspective.
- Setting the stage
- Addressing it from each leadership level
- An example of climate change
- How to make the decision
- All is included
- Disruption Vs minor adjustments
- Danger: asking people to let go of their comfort
- Influencing people's beliefs
- Formulating and Articulating a shared vision
- Beliefs drive change
- leading altruistically Vs just leading
- One challenge for listeners
Episode #13
2/23/2021 Part one in role #3
After discussing two roles in detail in the last 4 episodes at the first stage of the 'Search for Opportunity', the Neocharismatic Leader is ready to announce their decision in 'challenging to the Status Quo' Role #3.
- Change provokes the fear of the unknown
- The Role of Emotional Intelligence EQ: How leaders manage strong emotions in relation to this role
- Navigating emotions with others: helping poeple manage fear
- With this role comes empathy and resilience
- This role is highly dependent on the previous
- What is Challenging the status quo?
- Disruption is part of the role
- How do poeple react to change
- A major difference between an ordinary leader and a Neocharismatic leader in this role
- Altruistic Leaders have a clearer definition of what needs to be done
Episode #12
2/10/2021 Part two in role #2
Sensing People's Needs requires empathy and emotional intelligence (EQ). In this episode Ghadah and Martin dive deeper to unravel the three levels of listening, along with other detailed skills that require leaders to start thinking about their own personal leadership again. Please leave us a review and share the episode with your peers and colleagues.
- Ghadah exploring empathy as a prerequisite for Sensing People's Needs role, tackling an objection raised by leaders or others in the workplace.
- Martin stresses the fact that as humans we are primed for empathy.
- Empathy is ongoing and should not be situational
- What is empathy at its core
- Ghadah elaborates on the first approach to empathy using a leaders' vision and empathy
- The role of collaborative intention as a second approach to empathy
- Martin elaborates how the vision is going to change as the leader practices empathy.
- Martin explains how to practice empathy
- The three levels of empathy
- Martin personal experience of being empathetic in mobilizing his team
- Martin experience of using empathy to coach a team
- The gains of empathy in your leadership
Episode #11
1/27/2021 Part one in role #2
In this episode, Dr. Angawi continues stage one 'The Search for Opportunity' roles. She tackles role 2 'Sensing People's Needs' from a higher strategic level perspective in a back and forth discussion with Martin Hedley who explains it from an executive leader's perspective. A big emphasis on #empathy skills and the #vision as prerequisites of Neocharismatic #leadership
Please leave us a review and share the episode with your peers and colleagues.
Episode high lights:
- Why this role is crucial to the 'Search for Opportunity Stage #1'
- What is the role of HR department and why it can not replace this role
- How does a leader practice this role from a strategic leadership position
- Role modelling is a key aspect of this role
- Empathy is a leaders greatest tool
- The role of senior leadership team in supporting the leader and cascading the role
This is part one and in part two we discuss other leadership levels.
Episode #10
1/13/2021 A Neocharismatic leader's Journey - Geoff Cousins
After a long pause for the holidays and new year, we come back with great learning from a global leader in the automotive industry: Geoff Cousins. Geoff's professional journey from steelworks in his hometown Newport, South Wales to leading Jaguar through a huge transformation as Managing Director 2006 -2012, and now to a successful NED career, has been shaped by the personal influences and experiences he had been exposed to across different cultures and environments. This is a great episode for all leaders at all levels across-cultures who are focused on ethical leadership.
Important Questions we asked:
How did your past and how it influence your leadership journey.
- In this part Geoff explored with us the beginning of his ethical leadership journey
- Persistence and perseverance in rising above and beyond
- Its not how much you work but rather how smart you are in how you do what you do
We asked him about his definition of leadership
- Team performance is the most crucial part of leadership
- External network or team feeds into your ability to bring in value to your internal team
- Mentoring and growing leadership
We asked retaining talents vs exporting talents
- Developing leaders means giving them the choice to pursue their careers
- When you grow leaders and they leave, they take you to where they go
- Done be afraid to lose them, you will get others who will want to be part of your organization to grow like their peers
We aske about his intercultural experiences
- Being flexible and observant, with lots of listening
- collaboration with good intention will get you there
- You learn through the experiences
We asked about tough ethical decisions
- Learning to push hard and take a personal risk
- knowing that others will support you no matter how much they seem they don't
- Doing the right thing will get you there
And much more for novice leaders as well as experienced ones equally!
Episode #9
12/23/2020 Last episode in year 2020
Continuing to explore 'Assessing the Environment' but from different leadership levels and perspectives. Martin enriches this episode with great valuable advice for entrepreneurs and team leaders.
The idea is to enable leaders to address global problems. Martin states that entrepreneurial spirit is the driver of the first stage of 'The Search for opportunity'.
Ghadah comes back to the three prerequisites for this stage; Self-awareness, Vision, and Empathy.
How to lead a start up into the market and win.
In the first role of 'Assessing the Environment' leaders demonstrate the importance of learning and growth to their followers.
how do you overcome the challenges of this role?
You are the true mobilizer here.
What is the best way to do strategy? assess strategy and welcome feedback on strategy?
Being a role model in accepting being challenged and accepting being flexible.
last is a summery of the role in the three levels of leadership by Ghadah.
Episode #8
We are now starting the exploration of the model. The first stage is 'The search for Opportunity' stage where a leader demonstrates three major roles. This episode discusses the first and most important one which is 'Assessing the Environment'. Martin draws on his own experience in leading organizations while Ghadah throughs her research results and work with leaders at large organizations. But this is not all, next will be an exploration of the same role from different leadership levels and organizational sizes.
Martin and Ghadah discuss also the pros and cons of internal Vs external consultants.
Episode #7
How do they do it?
We discuss the idea of transformation and the cycle of evaluating, creating, and transforming (implementation).
We focus on the individual and how their features are part of their journey from the beginning. Martin adds his own experience and how he perceived leaders in action.
- How does a leader transforms?
- What is the context?
- What impact on others?
- What is the role of altruism?
- What are the different movements of leaders between stages and roles in the model?
- Perseverance!
- Challenge!
and much more
Episode #6
Welcome again after our start guest episode we resume our conversation, Martin and I, around Neocharismatic Leadership. In this episode, we dive into the need for ethical leadership, how it can be implemented, and what are the implications for our future generations and sustainability. In this episode you will find the following topics covered:
- Altruism and moral standards are they the usual in everyday leadership conversations?
- A new type of leadership through Ethical standards
- How do we practically bring this to a leader's day
- The young generation of leaders and their views on moral standards
- Challenging the status quo
- Is a grey area individual or collective?
- Our moral being
- Falling prey to temptations
- The role of coaching
Episode #5
In our leadership journeys, we learn from other role models. In the book, there are Neocharismatic Leaders' stories and here we bring other Neocharismatic leaders' stories as we find them for you.
Lara Khairallah is the Corporate Strategy Director at a Saudi based company. A young female Lebanese American, married to a Saudi who grow up in the States, and mother of three adorable kids reveals her secret to upholding her ethical standards as she asserts her values in a transforming cultural landscape, culturally, geographically, and organizationally.
Lara graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems and a minor in IT. She began to work at the young age of 15 at a neighborhood Toys R Us and she has not stopped working since.
She has taken challenging posts throughout her career and consistently was engaged in activities well outside her job description. Interestingly, they were generally related to transforming or changing the status quo. She plans to continue her professional journey: leading people and organizations through successful change.
Lara explains few things in response to our questions:
- Leadership definitions and style
- Authenticity as an important leadership element
- Building leadership skills in the underserved parts of the world
- Leadership prerequisites
- Self-assessment as a tool for developing leadership
- Ethical decisions and core values in the workplace
Episode #4
In this episode we will discuss the following and much more:
3 important questions at the start of this episode that leaders to the prerequisites. Martin kindly responds with his own experiences making it simple for listeners to reflect:
Q1: What does a leader look like in terms of their personality and how they come across?
Q2: Is this image exclusive? what biases can exist?
Q3: What do you believe about your own ability to lead?
Ghadah and Martin also discuss:
- Unconscious biases
- Intercultural communication
- leadership in communication
- Leading from within
- Prerequisites of NCL from research and coaching: Self-awareness - Empathy - Vision
- Lots of activities and ideas for listeners to use
Episode #3
Episode #5
In our leadership journeys, we learn from other role models. In the book, there are Neocharismatic Leaders' stories and here we bring other Neocharismatic leaders' stories as we find them for you.
Lara Khairallah is the Corporate Strategy Director at a Saudi based company. A young female Lebanese American, married to a Saudi who grow up in the States, and mother of three adorable kids reveals her secret to upholding her ethical standards as she asserts her values in a transforming cultural landscape, culturally, geographically, and organizationally.
Lara graduated from George Mason University with a degree in Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems and a minor in IT. She began to work at the young age of 15 at a neighborhood Toys R Us and she has not stopped working since.
She has taken challenging posts throughout her career and consistently was engaged in activities well outside her job description. Interestingly, they were generally related to transforming or changing the status quo. She plans to continue her professional journey: leading people and organizations through successful change.
Lara explains few things in response to our questions:
- Leadership definitions and style
- Authenticity as an important leadership element
- Building leadership skills in the underserved parts of the world
- Leadership prerequisites
- Self-assessment as a tool for developing leadership
- Ethical decisions and core values in the workplace
Episode #4
In this episode we will discuss the following and much more:
3 important questions at the start of this episode that leaders to the prerequisites. Martin kindly responds with his own experiences making it simple for listeners to reflect:
Q1: What does a leader look like in terms of their personality and how they come across?
Q2: Is this image exclusive? what biases can exist?
Q3: What do you believe about your own ability to lead?
Ghadah and Martin also discuss:
- Unconscious biases
- Intercultural communication
- leadership in communication
- Leading from within
- Prerequisites of NCL from research and coaching: Self-awareness - Empathy - Vision
- Lots of activities and ideas for listeners to use
Episode #3
In this episode we will discuss the following and much more:
- What differentiates Neocharismatic Leaders
- The practical side of Neocharisma depicted in the behavioral roles
- Influence is central to Neocharismatic leadership
- Martin list of leadership role models
- NCLs have an idealized vision
- NCLs are altruistic
- NCLs have an ethical frame of reference for their decision-making
- NCLs are agile learners who are open to be influenced
Episode #2
In this episode we will discuss the following and much more:
- The origins of Charisma
- Why is it different from NCL
- Martin experience with leadership
- Leadership theories and the development of NCL
- Young generation vs older generation in the work place and how they perceive leadership
- An opportunity for the listeners to engage with the topic: Make a list of all the leaders that you were influenced by, what stood out for you in their behavioral roles and how did that change you? send us your comments.
- The definition of NCL to expand on for next episode
Episode #1
In this episode we will discuss the following and much more:
- Getting to know Martin and Ghadah
- The Importance of NCL now
- What is missing in leadership development
- NCL is applicable to everybody
- Leadership is a personal responsibility
- What are the NCL prerequisites